Say It With Flowers

I’ve always been a bit of a sports fanatic. From the early days I bonded with my dad over cricket. The West Indies had a team to support and it felt like many of the World’s injustices were being put right by the Original Black Panther Clive Lloyd, Vivian Richard’s, Andy Roberts and Michael Holding. I’m guessing you know that I could have named 10 more. I had a particular liking for Alvin Kalicheran, who I met one year at the ACLT Gift of Life Charity Ball.
Anyway this week I met two sporting icons John Conteh and Linford Christie and told them both what they meant to me

Every year I go to Pedro, a youth club in Hackney where James Cook a former commonwealth super middleweight champion keeps youngsters off the street by teaching them discipline of the noble art.

This year the guest of honour was one of the best and gutsiest British boxers ever, John Conteh. My two boys were a bit miffed. How comes daddy wants a picture with this guy when people normally want to take a pic with him? I asked them if they saw AJ would they want a pic with him?
I’m not sure that they got it but 10 min with JC confirmed everything I’d ever thought of him and scousers.

Linford was a totally different matter. He came to a boat dance I held for my birthday and seemed almost embarrassed by the fuss. I first met him in the 80’s on a warm up track at Crystal Palace sports stadium. When he arrived everybody knew. It was like a Heavyweight boxer had arrived and it was very intimidating.
I’m hoping to get him on the radio because he was the first black man I saw with the Union Jack Flag and I had to call his name in a Persil advert I did in post apartheid South Africa. I still remember the lines. “If you wanna be like Linford, you gotta think like Linford. PMA positive mental attitude”
This was a very different guy and it was great to see him.
Listen I know It can be scary going up to people you don’t know but do give people their flowers when they’re alive. Not just famous people but anyone for whom you have respect. You’ll feel better and so will they



Good morning, Kings and Queens. You’ve probably figured out by now that my family takes up a lot of space in my mind. They bring me the most joy, but

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Is Drake OK?

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Managing time

Morning Kings & Queens 🌞 My blessing has become my challenge. I’m trying to read two books: One being on dementia (I have a special week of programming from March

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Black Poppies

Greetings good people, Hope you’re ok. Believe it or not I never know what foolishness I’m going to write until I’ve sat down. Sometimes it’s things that pop into my

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Morning How is the budget  working for you?  Do you feel you have lost or gained? Have you worked out how you will be impacted. Is there something I can

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Caring People

Morning good people!!’ Since Grenfel I am much more aware of the long term impact of trauma. So when an old Ally informed me that Alison wanted to come on

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