Ramblings of a madman on the tube to the big house is confused by two things today. And please be advised that when leaving your comments I actually read them and if you continue to interfere with me, I will find you. I have a particular set of skills.
Anyways Badman doesn’t want to frighten anyone. I’ve let that part of my life go…For now.
So what exactly does The Labour leader mean when he says that He has asked the Mayor of London to reflect? In an interview on 5live, he was asked several times but talked about the government giving more to the scrappage scheme. So what do you think he means? I think I know but I’d really like to hear your thoughts because no matter what anyone says about you, I think you’re quite clever 🤔
The second thing disturbs me.
Sinead O’Conner has died and the eulogising is making me nauseous.
Let me explain.
She had the most traumatic upbringing and fought demons (inside and out) all her life. She described her 17 year old son who died a year ago as he soulmate and the only person who loved her unconditionally.
The reason I’m confused is that all I’ve read about her since she tore up the pic the Pope (in protest at child abuse accusations in the Roman Catholic Church) is that she was deranged. Converting to Islam just compounded the narrative that she was unhinged, when the truth was she spoke truth to power and history tells us that just like Sinead or whichever name she chose to call herself, it is only when they die that we realise their true power and influence.
It is then that the papers are full of how wonderful she was and guess what? The fragile soul which needed to really hear that is no longer here.
So please give people their flowers when they are alive.
If there is someone in your family or friendship circle who is an inspiration, whom you admire, please tell them when they’re alive. Bloody hell these musings were designed to alleviate my anxiety 😂
Have a great day. We pulling to the big house… just in time