Long Goodbyes

I had a rare and wonderful pleasure; born of tragedy but wonderful all the same.

For well over a decade I have been messages from a Jude from Ealing. Sometimes admonishing and other times offering pearls of wisdom about a particular subject. I somehow always read them and sometimes I would give a smartarse answer too.

Well yesterday I met this Jude in Ealing and it was a very moving experience for me.

If I may cut to the quick.

Her husband died of a brain injury and she had mentioned my show to the charity which helped with palliative care. She was reluctant to come on (because she know how I am) 🤷🏽‍♂️ Anyway she came into the studio yesterday and it got quite emotional. I want to know what you think about what we chose to disagree on yesterday.  I suggested that she was blessed because she had quality time to make her preparations and say goodbye and lots of people don’t.  I didn’t have that chance with Dad.   I said bye the Sunday, told him I’d see him Monday (didn’t) and Tuesday he was gone. Her argument was compelling in that she found it soul destroying to watch what illness can do to someone you love. The grass is always greener eh!!  She is probably right but I just wished I’d seen him to say hi & bye 😭 What do you think?

Bloody hell I’m gonna stop now. Nowhere near Oxford St but badman is getting emotional Hold loved ones dear.  Go and visit them.  You can’t say it when they’ve gone and the guilt is a ting!!!


See below an email I received from Jude as I was writing the above:😢 😢 😢 Dearest lovely Eddie, and wonderful teamI really can’t put into words how much I appreciate you and the time that you have given me to speak about my beautiful light – my husband Peter – and Brain Tumour Research. I’ve been meaning to email for a while now, as you have given us airtime more than once. Twice before my trek in September, and then I did “trends at 12ish” Eddie but with Salma as you were covering the early morning slot after Vanessa left. See how involved I am with you all! It was so so lovely to actually meet you all after all, this time, and I had been so nervous but yet I felt as though I was with family when I came into your studio. Thank you so much for putting me at my ease. Now I will have to call instead of just texting all the time!…and if you ever hear me say I’m nervous ever again, you have my permission to kiss u teet(!) and roll your eyes, because I should never use those words when it comes to speaking with you.Eddie, you’re a fabulous presenter, there is much to say about that and in particular the way in which you approach extremely senstive topics. It’s clear that you really do care. Anyway I think Laura from Brain Tumour Research will be pleased when she hears the clip after her holiday. I will continue to do what I can to raise awareness for BTR and if I get the opportunity to chat with you again that would be amazing.I’ll sign off with thanks once again and with much love dear family.Text or SPEAK soon!! Jude xxx


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