BHM – Doing it properly

Morning, it’s Black History Month (BHM) What does that mean to you? For me it’s where I earn money for my winter holiday.
People be calling me to talk, joke, play music blah blah blah.
So Friday morning, I got out of my bed to attend the younger boy’s assembly.
I get frustrated at them because the kids don’t speak loudly and clearly enough and everyone is videotaping ‘cept me.  Bosslady tells me off because I laugh out loud and clap in the wrong places.
Anyways, afterwards the headteacher (who I have only ever nodded to politely at the gate) asks if she can have a word. I have the same anxiety as when Bosslady says “can we have a quick chat” Bottom line is she would like me to give a chat about overcoming racism to get where I am.  My wife is standing behind me giving me the 👀. The look that says don’t Eddie, don’t. Just like she did when I told her I was. going to muse it.
I paused and left the uncomfortable silence which headteacher felt she needed to fill. She told me that she had seen me on the telly hosting the Mayoral debate. She pointedly didn’t say I was any good any it 😝
I told her my answer was NO. I didn’t explain and so there was another uncomfortable silence and Mrs Nestor was now furious.
The head teacher went on to tell me that they had asked other parents to come in. I asked her what they were talking about and that is when the penny dropped for her.
A couple other things: if you are going to do BHM properly, you wouldn’t be planning it in October.
Why have they not asked me to talk before? That’s what I do for a living. They could literally given me a brief and I would do it.  I am very aware of what it would mean for my son’s standing at the school.
Why is an MBE, Actor, Social commentator. Mc, broadcaster and  eediat only seen through the eyes or colour?
Wouldn’t my chat about overcoming adversity merely guilt white kids and traumatise black ones?
You could, and Bosslady does, argue that it was all very well meaning and blah blah blah. But I been dealing with blah blah blah all my professional life.
At what point does this well intended mistake become unbearably boring?
To make it worse i think it comes more from the liberal side. They feel like they are doing you a favour. It’s patronising in the extreme.
Ever wondered why the party known as the nasty party has had 2 and a half female Prime Ministers and an Asian one too, while the party my dad religiously voted for has to make up special shortlists. Been one of the hardest things to make sense of. Whatever you say about the right, it is a meritocracy.
Bloody hell, that was a rant today. 😂
So much more I could say but I’m being monitored 😊
I would love to go to my child’s school and talk about anything that would encourage and uplift them not about being a victim..
even though I am 😝


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