Badman Political B’cast

Before we heard about the sad passing of Quincy Jones, the number of calls I got about  the BBC series Mr Lover Man was fascinating. Could you do that? Would you do that?. Then people get vex with me when I say it depends how much i was getting.

All my life I’ve had trouble with what i call the oppressive consciousness movement.  “If you’re black, I mean really black then you wouldn’t do that, you’d think this and vote that”

Kemi has literally taken over my weekend.  The first Black female leader of the Conservative Party, in a week where we might have a new black female leader of the free world. The two ladies have some things in common but not their politics.  Any way back to Kemi .

My parents have  religiously voted Labour since they arrived in this country. You could argue that has made them easy to ignore, to take for granted. The “Nasty” party has now had 4 women, one of colour and an Asian man as leader. Why has the “meritocracy” not worked for the #labour party? No woman leader, no person of colour? Not even someone with a tan. Legitimate question!!

Someone will no doubt now decide to make the next leader of the party a woman or something. I’m not sure that is how a meritocracy works. I could go further but we are being monitored.

Can you celebrate Kemi’s achievement without agreeing with her politics?  I am mischievously wondering what a certain donor who could be made to “hate all black women” thinks. What ever happened to that investigation?
Back to Kemi.

Black people (or women) are not an homogeneous lump.  We are everything! Gay, right wing, married, single disabled and and and.

Don’t let anyone tell you who or what to be. Who or what to love. Who or what to vote for.

You might be able to tell this is a subject that grates  on me.
I think the reason is that I can see nuanced debate disappearing.
“Unless you believe this, then you’re a so and so” as evidenced by Metoo, Times Up, BLM, Brexit and the Middle East🤷🏽‍♂️

Not great when you earn a living in the grey area of an argument, like I do.

Anyway we are near the big house 🤡 and I need to get my game face on.

Got me so up in my feeling that I just been looking everywhere for the phone I’m typing on.

That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the badman party

Lemme know your thoughts


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