Eddie The Broadcaster

Commonly known as the. Voice of London,

Eddie has been holding London’s highest-ranking officials to account for over two decades.

Having won a plethora of awards including “Sony Speech Broadcaster of the year”, he is widely acknowledged as being one of the most gifted broadcasters of his generation.

Honest and firm

Eddie asks the questions that listeners want answered and can currently be heard on BBC Radio London’s (94.9FM) mid-morning Show from 10am-2pm Monday-Thursday.

Click here to visit Eddie’s profile on the BBC

Dr Neville Lawrence: "My son didn't die in vain"

The father of Stephen Lawrence talks about the 25th anniversary of his son’s death.

At home with Idris Elba

I recently visited Idris Elba at his home for chat about his directorial debut. 

Eddie interviews Diane Abbott re Child Q

Child Q the Hackney schoolgirl strip-searched by Met Police was taken out of exam – BBC News – Click here for more information.


Commonly known as the Voice of London.


Having won a plethora of awards including “Sony Speech Broadcaster of the year”, he is widely acknowledged as being one of the most gifted broadcasters of his generation.


Click here to visit Eddie’s Drivetime profile

Honest & Firm

Eddie asks the questions that listeners want answered and can currently be heard on BBC Radio London’s (94.9FM) mid-morning Show from 10am-2pm Monday-Thursday.


Click here to visit Eddie’s profile on the BBC

Eddie hosted the London Mayoral Election Debate on BBC London in May 2024 & with just a week until election day, London representatives for the Conservatives, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens and Reform UK faced tough questions from Eddie on the issues affecting residents in the capital at the BBC Radio London election debate.